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Latex Allergy




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[white blood cells]  [Williams, Dr. Louisa]  [Winning the War Against Asmtha & Allergies]  [Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom]  [World Health Organization]  [Writing a Successful Grant Proposal]

white blood cells: cells in the blood that are involved in defending the body against infective organisms and foreign substances. Like all blood cells, they are produced in the bone marrow. the principal components of the immune systemand function by destroying "foreign" substances such as bacteria and viruses. When an infection is present, the production of WBCs increases. If the number of leukocytes is abnormally low (a condition known as leukopenia), infection is more likely to occur and it is more difficult for the body to get rid of the infection.



Williams, Dr. Louisa: a naturopathic doctor that presently maintains a small, research-oriented practice in Marin County. Before this she was the primary director and physician for a large clinic in Seattle for 12 years. She holds a master’s in counseling psychology, and previously was licensed as a chiropractic physician, before graduating from Bastyr University in 1990 as a naturopathic physician. Dr. Williams lectures in America and Europe on drainage remedies, auriculotherapy (French method), neural therapy from Germany, petroleum chemicals and heavy metal detoxification, dominant foci, homeopathy and nutrition. She co-developed the Neural Kinesiology® with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt in 1993, but presently teaches her own unique diagnostic system, the arm-measurement, field-measurement, or AM-FM technique. Dr. Williams has authored 15 manuals and 7 journal articles. She also developed a set of Mode Cards, which contain over 360 hand modes with descriptions of their use, as well as the Tissue Cards and Therapy Localization Cards, which also further assist in diagnosis and treatment in her, and her colleagues practices.



Winning the War Against Asthma & Allergies: a book written by Ellen Cutler DC. This book based on the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET), focuses on what Cutler calls an efficient, effective, permanent method of allergy desensitization. Eliminating and/or rotating diet to identify food allergies, skin and/or blood testing, and muscle-response testing are all part of NAET, which views the body as bioenergy consisting not only of matter but also of electromagnetic pathways and currents. Using occasional case studies, Cutler defines her terms and provides specific examples of acute and chronic allergens causing asthma and allergic reactions and the genetic, environmental, metabolic, and little-known causes that play roles in asthma onset. By discussing NAET treatment protocols, Cutler provides information for self-treatment. An extensive resource guide contains specific diets, food lists, NAET treatment rules and restrictions, and other related materials.



Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom : Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing: a book written by Christiane MD Northrup. Northrup is a gynecologist who acknowledges the power of natural therapies and herbs, but also maintains that allopathic treatments, including surgery, are sometimes best. In Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, she covers the treatment of many physical concerns--among them PMS, menstrual cramps, breast cancer, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, depression, childbirth, abortion, cystitis, and menopause--explaining how many of these physical problems have roots in emotional upsets. For example, a woman who is unhappy with her marriage may be infertile because deep down, she knows that her husband is not the right man to have children with; a teenager who has cramps may be having problems accepting society's expectations of her as a woman.



World Health Organization (WHO): the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.



Writing a Successful Grant Proposal: a grant seeking resource explaining grant proposal writing. This is put together by the Minnesota Council On Foundations.