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Latex Allergy




Pleomorphic Compendium








Frank’s Case


Introduction | Progress Reports | Lab Reports | Medical History | Chief Complaints



July 2002 through December 2002



•Physical therapy
•Long walks
•Q machine
•Physical therapy
•Physical therapy
•Physical therapy
•Physical therapy
•Network chiropractor
•Physical therapy
•My AminoPlex

July 2002
Physical therapy continues, painfully and daily. (I get to inflict it on myself between the sessions with the physical therapist.) I am physically able to go for walks, which really help the shoulder in spite of the fact that it is still in a sling. The sling’s structure is ingenious. It is reversible (can be used for either the left or right arm) and has a cushion, reversible as well, that goes between the lower arm and my body. It really makes a difference, diminishing the pain and discomfort.

I visit the acupuncturist twice this month to facilitate healing and diminish the pain. But the acupuncture sessions are painful themselves.

Needless to say, my fatigue is not diminishing. And my periods of angry outbursts have returned. Perhaps the anesthesia and post-surgery recovery somehow overrode the irrational outbursts.

August 2002
The number of remedies I am taking continues to increase and change. My physical therapy is not as painful and I see signs of progress.

September 2002
I am not surprised that I have oral and genital herpes outbreaks this month. My guess continues to be that they are related to stress. I continue to hope that the acupuncture treatments, two this month, help me heal more rapidly and fully from my right shoulder surgery.

October 2002
Acupuncture: I have one treatment this month. My fatigue continues, although it was difficult to tell what was the result of surgery or a continuation of Mr. Hyde. My wife and I persevere, but I have very little hope remaining and I continue in my belief that I wouldn’t blame her if she left (or asked me to leave). I have suggested the terms of our divorce settlement. (This is not the first time.)

November 2002
One evening my wife suggests that I try another remedy; one that she has found has had a dramatic impact on her for the past month, My AminoPlex. I took one tablespoon of the powder in warm water. Shortly thereafter I felt something like a cool breeze passing over my brain. Mr. Hyde, the sporadic rages that overcame me, begins to diminish. Subsequently, I wouldn’t go anywhere without My AminoPlex. It was my lifeline to my old self, to some semblance of sanity, to hope.

December 2002
My fatigue is diminishing noticeably. The fungus that I have had, small slightly dark patches on my chest, has really blossomed. It is much darker and covers a great deal of my upper thighs, torso, neck and arms. It looks like a pale birthmark. My body pain has also diminished, so I do not feel the need to drink alcohol at the end of the day as frequently as I had for the past years. I attribute all of this to the My AminoPlex, my new best friend.

•Fungus on chest, back, and arms
•Itchy bumps
•Ear ringing (24/7)
•Decreasingly immobile, painful right shoulder (gradually improving throughout the six months)

•Skin pealing off face during morning shower (every other day)
•Burning feet sensation (every two-three days, particularly at night)
•Sore joints
•Herpes (c. twice every 6 months)
•Fatigue (every other day, particularly toward the end of the day)
•Irritable, irrational outbursts of anger


Essential Oils

Flower Essences

•ADP Oregano
•Oregano Oil

•ADP Renal Plus
•Coenzyme Compositum
•Heel Bone
•Mezereum Homaccord
•Sorbus Domestica
•Spasm Pain
•Ubichinon Compositum

•Pleo Cand
•Pleo Chrys
•Pleo Citro
•Pleo Ex
•Pleo Lat
•Pleo Quent
•Pleo Rec

•Benadryl (liquid and pill)

Vitamins and Minerals
•B Complex
•Berber Caps
•Buffered Vitamin C
•DMSA And Alpha Lipoic Acid
•NeproTec I&II
Somaplex Multi
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin E
Vitamin K


•Ear Zapper
•Formula Sf722
•Juve Cal
•L Arginine
•My Aminoplex
•Q Machine