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Latex Allergy




Pleomorphic Compendium








Frank’s Case


Introduction | Progress Reports | Lab Reports | Medical History | Chief Complaints



July 2001 through December 2001



•Back pain
•Back pain
•Psychological issues
•Cranial sacral therapist
•Mr. Hyde

July 2001
The penlight laser is working particularly well on my elbows and thumbs. My other joints continue to hurt with or without using the laser. My lower back is giving me problems. One day I began to stand up from a sitting position and it went out. The pain was so intense that I immediately fell to the floor. I had to crawl for a few minutes before I could stand and walk.

August 2001
Upon awakening one morning, my lower back started to go out. I was lying flat on my back and thought that perhaps sitting up with my legs over the side of the bed might help. It didn’t. For that fact the pain intensified. So I stood up grabbing onto a chest of drawers for support. Immediately, the pain got worse. I passed out, bumping my head on the night stand, which in turn jammed into and damaged the wall. I was wedged between the night stand and chest of drawers, and it took some while before I could pull myself up and stand. I went to visit a chiropractor.

September 2001
It was no surprise that I tested positive for psychological issues. I located and made an appointment for my wife and me with a psychologist for the next month. In the interim, I once again visited the intuitive in increasingly faint hope that I might benefit from it. Neither my wife nor I noticed any perceptible change. My moodiness continues. My hope diminishes. My exhaustion persists, so much so it is difficult, if not impossible, to carry on a conversation, to do anything but sit for long periods of time.

October 2001
I visited a cranial sacral massage therapist who was very good at gently modifying my body structure. My lower back problem was significantly alleviated during her treatment. However, my overall body pain and the need to drink booze to diminish it persist. My wife and I visit the psychologist in the hope that the process will help me and our relationship. Nothing has worked so far.

My diet, which I have not discussed very much, has been in transition since late 1989. That is when I started eating mostly organic food cooked from scratch. This is because my future wife entered my life. I don’t eat many vegetables nor do I eat as much fruit as I should, both of which she begins a long campaign to change. I really like Big Macs, fries and chocolate shakes. More importantly, I have a tremendous sweet tooth: cookies, cakes, and candy (Snickers, Butterfingers and Almond Joy, particularly).

I mention this during this month because of Halloween. Just as I drink booze at the end of the day just prior to dinner, I eat sweets at night a couple of hours after dinner. I consume both as a way of dealing with stress. But while the booze is a relatively recent evening companion (1988), sweets have been a significant part of my life since the early 1960”s. I could eat an entire German chocolate cake or banana cream pie in one sitting. At Halloween, when so much candy is available, my sweet tooth goes into full blossom. I can, and do, eat all of the candy we have purchased for trick-or-treaters before Halloween arrives. And while I know this is not good for me, gaining weight has never been a problem nor have teeth cavities.

November 2001
My wife and I visit the psychologist again this month. While a number of issues are addressed, nothing seems to resonate with the fundamental problem: my sporadic rages. My almost constant fatigue further undermines my hope and what is left of my self confidence. I continue taking the various remedies for which I have tested. It is more by force of habit rather than any sense of expectation.

December 2001
My fatigue and body pain continue unabated. So does Mr. Hyde (my frequent and intense angry outbursts). Once again we meet with the psychologist with no new insights for either my wife or me. My fatigue is so intense at times that it takes me an entire week to fold the clothes I have washed and dried (one of my household chores). Occasionally, I can put in a full day’s work. But then I spend the next two or three days recovering. The same is true for visits to health care providers who are three to four hours away by car. Typically, I drive there and take a nap in the car while my wife is attending her appointment. Then drive home, stare at the TV to wind down, frequently snacking on something sweet, and then go to bed. The next two or three days are spent recovering.

•Mild fungus on chest
•Itchy bumps on legs
•Ear ringing (24/7)
•Fatigue (every day, particularly toward the end of the day)
•Raw sensation over my entire body

•Skin pealing off face during morning shower (every other day)
•Burning feet sensation (every two-three days, particularly at night)
•Sore joints
•Herpes (c. twice every 6 months)
•Irritable, irrational outbursts of anger



•Coenzyme Compositum
•Tonico Heel
•Pleo Chrys
•Pleo Pef
•Pleo Alb
•Pleo Ex
•Pleo Muc
•Pleo Nig
•Pleo Alb
•pleo cal
•pleo pin
•Pleo Cup
•Pleo Coli
•Pleo Not

•Benadryl (liquid and pill)

Vitamins and Minerals
•Lacto S Plus
•retinoic acid
•bovisan caps
•color puncture
•cranial set point therapy
•laser elbows & thumbs acu-pressure
•Retinoic acid